Intelligent Capital is a high value-add and highly differentiated alternative.

Growth Capital

Founders Trust provides intelligent, supportive capital to fund a variety of goals: growth, strategic expansion, partners’ buyout of other partners who desire to exit, funding for acquisitions, strategic and executional support for acquisitions or divestitures.

We focus on private, Middle Market and small companies in North America.

Exits or Partial Exits

Founders Trust invests in businesses in select industries, and makes minority and majority investments in businesses in select industries. We focus on high-quality, private companies based in North America, in the Middle Market and Lower Middle Market. 

Achievement of Asset Diversification

The goals of asset diversification and risk mitigation are probably the two most important goals of every successful business owner.

As an investor, we are able to provide highly intelligent and strategic support.

Some owners desire to achieve liquidity and asset diversification, through an exit or partial exit, while remaining as a leader in their business, either in their current role, or with a modified or advisory board role. Other owners desire to achieve liquidity and asset diversification and retire, with an exit or partial exit, either as a choice or due to health.

Founders Trust, as a supportive partner, and as a high-value-add partner, has the unique experience and ability to create alignment of interest between all parties and create solutions which meet owners’ unique goals. 

Evergreen Capital and Supportive Capital

 As a unique differentiator, we are able to provide supportive and tailored capital to meet the needs of businesses – and we are able to provide capital with a view to the long term.  Long term, supportive capital prevents difficulties which force companies into short-term decision making. This long term view and ability to invest for the long term, sets us apart from most other investors in the middle market and lower middle market. We focus on essential stabilization during growth or expansion, and we focus on true alignment of interests. 




Growth Capital

Exits or Partial Exits

Achievement of critical Asset Diversification or Wealth Management goals

Majority and Minority Investments

Real Estate acquisitions

Partner to bring the company to the next level


JV Partnerships

Limited Partner

Special Situations

Bespoke Capital to meet Specific Goals

Stabilization of Distressed Situations

Tailored Structured Solutions

Evergreen Capital and Supportive Capital




We seek to partner with private, Middle Market and Small businesses located in North America.

Reach out to us by clicking here, and we will be in touch with you shortly.



Completed Transactions, $45 million, Chicago suburbs. apartment property acquisition and aggregation of additional units, value add improvements, ground-up build of clubhouse, gym, outdoor kitchen, and amenities. Click here to contact us for additional transaction case studies.


$4 billion

In completed transactions


$1.2 billion

Total Revenue of Turnaround Companies Advised


83 years

Total Revenue of Turnaround Companies Advised



Long-Term View, Tailored Capital and Expertise



Focus on Confidentiality and Alignment of Interests

Click here to contact us, with full confidentiality