Featured News
Founders Trust was named by EMG as a part of the Global 100 in 2024, with recognition for its industry-leading culture, and ability to work to create excellent culture.
Article, Chicago WGN 9 – Founders Trust discusses how to achieve success in an exit, and how “Buyer Selection” is the most critical component
Founders Trust receives the award of “U.S. – Best Middle Market Acquiror” from M&A Today in its global awards, sponsored by EMG.
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Tony Tedeschi, is recognized as one of the 50 Most Influential Clinical Executives by Modern Healthcare
WGN 9 Chicago article – Founders Trust receives award, “Best U.S. Small & Medium Business Buyer 2022” from Acquisition International
Founders Trust was named by EMG as a part of the Global 100 in 2024, with recognition as “Best Middle Market Acquiror”
CBS 17 article regarding EMG – Global 100 for 2024, with recognition as “Best Middle Market Acquiror”
Acquisitions International Magazine – Founders Trust awarded “Best Middle Market Acquiror 2023 – USA”
WGN Channel 9 Chicago – Matt Williamson, Board Member at Founders Trust, joins Forbes Business Council
Founders Trust receives top award, “Best U.S. Small & Medium Business Buyer 2022” from Acquisition International
The Silicon Review – Founders Trust named part of the “30 Most Reputable Companies of the Year, 2023”
New World Report 2022 Awards – North American Business Awards – Founders Trust ranked “Best SME-Focused Acquisition Firm, USA”
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