A Differentiated and High-Value-Add Investor in Healthcare, for the Middle Market

Founders Trust is a recognized industry leader in healthcare in North America

Industry-Leading Capabilities for the Middle Market

Middle Market and Lower Middle Market companies have their own very distinctive set of dynamics. We believe that these companies deserve high-quality, experienced, proven, senior-level focus and attention. We are recognized for our reliability in producing results in healthcare.

Investment Criteria and Areas of Focus

Founders Trust seeks to partner as an investor in high quality, enduring healthcare companies, in the Middle Market and Lower Middle Market, in North America, with the following criteria.


Hospitals and Hospital Systems

Clinics and Practices

Behavioral Health and Substance Use Disorder

Essential Medical Devices.


Middle Market: EBITDA between $3 million and $100 million.

There is no minimum EBITDA for Add-On Acquisitions.

Investment types:

Majority and Minority Investments


Special Situations and Distressed Situations

Advisory and Asset Management

Founders Trust works with hospitals and hospital systems, as a highly effective Asset Manager, or as a highly effective Advisor in Turnaround situations.

Read more about Intelligent Capital

Read more about Advisory


$4 billion

In completed transactions


$1.2 billion

Total Revenue of Turnaround Companies Advised


83 years

Total Revenue of Turnaround Companies Advised



Long-Term View, Tailored Capital and Expertise



Focus on Confidentiality and Alignment of Interests

 Selected case studies

Everything we do is with complete confidentiality. For selected case studies available, disclosure has been approved for information shared.

Click here to contact us to request detailed case studies.



We seek to partner with private, Middle Market and Small businesses located in North America.

Reach out to us by clicking here, and we will be in touch with you shortly.